Is Facebook good for us? We are so connected. Are we connected because we are so interested in others, or are we interested in how we might position ourselves among others? Are we looking to listen, read, and see, or be heard, be published, and be seen? I'm not saying it's bad or wrong, I'm just posing the question.
I once said, I would never use a computer to apply my God-given (creative) talents. I was a staunch advocate of graphite, conte crayons, Rapidio-graph pens, the straight edge and the french-curve. I don't think I could have ever been more wrong. What a great tool the personal computer has been!
I just wanted to throw that out there before someone throws me a bunch of statistics about how great Facebook is. I know, I know, I know. I am not saying its wrong, I am just saying I have some concerns. I remember when everyone started building decks on the back of their homes, and people stopped interacting with neighbors. Now, I don't even think we use those decks, because we are too busy working to pay for them and the big houses they are connected to.
I'm going to stay on FB, but I hope that I can push for a little more face-to-face. (If Facebook starts going south I have a great idea that I will share for free..."Facebook for Lawyers".) If you really stop and think about Facebook from your perspective—it's a lot about you. What you do, what you think, what you want, where you are, where you went, where your going, and what you got. If you go back to my earlier days on FB and look at my entries, I was all in! Constantly pitching my worldly travels and accolades, and cool happenings. "Look at me!"
Well, I'm hear to tell you. I'm not that interesting or important. I run the swiffer, I am always late putting a new filter in the AC, the guys at my office probably wonder what I do—I am just a regular old guy, probably a lot like you. I wish I was more important, but it is what it is. Picking up poop in the yard, mowing the grass, going to work. I like this stuff! I enjoy everyday to the max! I love my wife and kids, my family, my friends, my church, and my job.
I think I'm going to spend a couple months sharing that stuff with you in person. I hope that I will spend a little more time chatting with my kids, on dates with my wife and having a cup of coffee with a friend or neighbor. And if I lose a few pounds or do P90X, climb Mount Everest or go to the Carribean to hear Dave Matthews live in concert...I will spare you the pain. I know how it is. I know how you are...just like me. 'Probably sitting in your cubical, eating a bag of chips, thinking about losing weight and listening to Pandora—all the while thinking of something marvelous to post on FB.
I am out for a while. I don't want anymore "likes"! Just call me for a beer or Indian food! I like coffee, politics, religion, design, travel and fly-fishing. I'm a believer, a husband, a dad, a son, an employer, and a friend. Give me a shout! I'm not going to broadcast my "status"—I'd just like to connect. If we haven't connected in a while, I hope you will give me a call, invite me for coffee, or just stop in.
Peace. & Thanks!