"Purple Cow" is a book by Seth Godin based on a concept of being remarkable and different. In his book Seth discusses the reaction one would have if they were driving through cattle country, and came upon a purple cow. He says we would definitely take notice. We might stop and take pictures, call some friends, knock on some doors, call a reporter...It would just be a freak circumstance that would definitely be worthy of conversation.
Purple Dragon is the studio my old friend used to own in Atlanta. It is also the tattoo that he revealed after pulling his pants down in a conference room full of people. That was definitely a meeting worthy of conversation. Over the years, I came to love this friend. His love of life, his love for his family and his love for the people he met—he really loved life (maybe a little too much). His life stories and experiences were over the top, some of the things he shared with me were beyond belief.
He came from a culture that was totally foreign to me. I don't think I can recall a time that he didn't arrive or leave without a manly embrace, and a kiss on the side of my cheek. His entrance and exit was that of a rock star. Loud, boisterous, usually trailed by several expletives and his signature-"ROCK N' (F'N') ROLL! He was a true character, but he was genuine. The purple dragon was definitely a purple cow. Maybe somewhat crazy, but definitely remarkable.
This guy had done everything everywhere. His life was unbelievable, but unfortunately his death was not. He had everything and he had nothing. I know that nothing was left unsaid between the two of us, and I hope that nothing was left undone. I ran out of time, and so did he.
I'll miss him greatly.